Tuesday, 7 August 2012



Jeg er ikke helt færdig med at vise jer mine favoritter, fra da jeg var på børnemodemessen Bubble i London for et par uger siden. Jeg håber, I kan holde til at jeg drysser dem lidt ud imellem andre indlæg?Jeg synes, at hver af de udvalgte mærker fortjener deres egen plads – ikke mindst dette brand: Loud Apparel.
Jeg faldt med det samme over standen, da tøjet oser af coolness og style. Det minder mig lidt om f.eks New Generals, der jo allerede er en stor favorit herhjemme, hovedsageligt grundet det store fokus på lækre, bløde jersey materialer, skæve snit og detaljer, minimalismen, rockstar-attituden og farveskalaen i grå/sort/hvid.
Loud Apparel startede i 2010, så de er stadig et relativt nyt mærke. Jeg spår dem dog stor succes, og da jeg talte med designeren bag på messen, var det tydeligt, at der ligger gedint håndværk bag. Hun er italiener, men har boet de sidste mange år i London. Loud Apparel kombinerer Londons kreative og casual coolness (hvor det designes) med Italiens stolte tradition for håndværk (hvor det produceres).
Tøjet er underspillet lækkert og minimalistisk, holdt i bomuld, tykke jerseystoffer og læder. Kanter, lommer, lynlåse og print er skæve og finurlige, men hele tiden med fokus på enkeltheden og anvendeligheden. Det er tøj, der vinder utrolig meget, når man kommer tæt på og alle de små gennemtænkte snit og detaljer åbenbarer sig for én.
Med inspirationskilder som Rick Owens, Margiela og Balenciaga, er det ikke overraskende en meget kvalitetsbevidst og stilsikker dame, der står bag. I love it!


Brand Focus: Loud Apparel

Words by MPDClick’s Trade Fair Editor.
Citing the likes of Margiela, Lanvin, Balenciaga and Rick Owens as their references, it comes as no surprise that children’s brand Loud Apparel possesses a unique selling point that most other kid’s brands shy away from. Discovered at Bubble trade fair in London amid a riot of colour, Loud Apparel’s cool, minimalist aesthetic is breathing a new lease of life into the contemporary children’s fashion market.
Established in 2010 by an Italian living in London, pieces reflect an amalgamation of British creativity and the traditional manufacturing techniques synonymous with Italy. A combination mirrored furthermore within the production process itself, seasonal collections are designed in London and created in Italy, where quality and exquisite craftsmanship are paramount.
Aimed at fashion conscious children and parents alike, collections cater to 4-12 year olds with a penchant for style. Black, white and varying shades of grey form the base of the spring/summer 13 collection seen at Bubble; a daring statement to make against the industry’s abundance of pastel hues and primary colours in this typically kaleidoscopic season. Playful placement prints and typography in the meantime add interest to basic separates, lending a humorous quality to pieces.
A true trailblazer in the children’s fashion sector, Loud Apparel’s collections of classic separates have gained a timeless appeal in record time.
See the Loud Apparel website here, and visit the official Bubble London trade fair website here.
Image source: Loud Apparel
MPDClick subscribers can see the spring/summer 13 Bubble London trade fair reports in full by visiting our Trade Fair area on site here.
- K.S

This is our SS13 LOUD APPAREL crew and is waiting you at PLAYTIME Paris on 7/9 july!

...and this was our stand at BUBBLE LONDON 17/18 june...!

Bubble and Speak: Bubblin' Around

Bubble and Speak: Bubblin' Around: This weekend's Bubble London marks the start of the s/s 13 season with over 250 collections of the coolest children's fashion, footwear, a...

-3 to BUBBLE LONDON...come and visit us...!!!